Friday, 29 January 2010

Installing Windows XP

This morning I installed windows XP onto a computer in the lab. To start the task I was supposed to change the BIOS setup so that the PC would boot from CD rom. However, the machine I was working on was not in fully operational mode on my arrival, so this was not possible, the screen didn't appear on start up.

So I inserted the windows XP disk into the CD drive and restarted the computer. I was given the option to boot from CD by pressing the any key.

I pressed enter to install XP when prompted and agreed to the product licence.

I created a partition of 4096mb on the hard disk and formatted the partition to NTFS format and then installed XP onto this area.

It was then necessary to set the regional settings, time, date, location, time zone, code page conversion table 20285 IBMEBCDIC to UK, language of non-Unicode programs to UK, UK keyboard and set to remove American Keyboard on next start up.

The organisation name was set to HRC and the computer named in accordance to the label.

The system was set to no password.

I installed typical settings and skipped IP settings for network as this was to be a standalone machine.

One account user was set for this machine, this was called student and did not have a password for this account.

No drivers were installed for this computer, but the computer was operational because it used the default settings from the installed operating system.

Automatic updates were turned off because this computer was not to be connected to a network.

Week 13

During this mornings class our tutor instructed us to start a blog of our practical exercises in class.